The trick to the earth satellite data is using a program where you can rotate the clone stamp as well as horizontally and vertically flip it. Otherwise it is truly miserable. It's not my preferred way to work, I've done it once on request. I prefer to use a blend of texture application and digital painting to get to results. What did you do for this one? It strikes me as less satellite and more of a formal topography, it's nice and crisp, gets a bit too pixelated on the zoom but otherwise very nice when it just fills the screen. The technique turned out good for the look and I think you'll get great results if you keep developing this version of it. Great clarity of data.

The one thing that's a bit weird to me about this is the mountains, just trying to imagine what's going on with the tectonic plates is giving me a bit of a headache. It feels like a fantasy continent to me. Maybe if you kept going on the ocean depth mapping it would clarify what's going on down there. I look forward to seeing some detailed 'ocean mapping' in this style, something often neglected!