Each platform has it's ups and downs.
Your benefit from them might depend more on what you were trying to get from them.
Tiana is absolutely right about DA. They are killing themselves. Or, to be more accurate, Wix, who bought them a few years back, is killing the old DA.
I was a paid member for years, and just stopped. I used to get a lot of activity, engagement, and comms from there. But it's on its last leg.

Artstation is great for commercial work, as that was and is the primary audience. I get a lot of work from there.
Twitter, oddly, has proved rather nice for me. Better results than I was able to get with IG and FB.
Everyone's results will vary. Others on IG, from the Guild, who started at the same time, or after me, have dramatically eclipsed my results there.

The audiences on each platform are different, and you need to know who your audience is so you can be more effective in reaching and communicating with them.
IG is not my place. I loathe having to do everything from my phone, and so do it less and less. They have so many seen and unseen restrictions.

Worldanvil looks so good for crafting a story with images, but you may have to drive an audience to your worldanvil site, which is far harder than catching the roaming eyes of someone already on a larger platform, like social media.
I've wanted to do similar to what it sounds like you want to do. I tried a blog but was too inconsistent. I thought worldanvil would be the thing, and it might, I haven't been able to get myself going on a new platform yet.
Too many projects and not enough time.