Hiya, folks. Very new here so apologies for any formatting issues as I learn about the forums.

Very quick and basic question for you:

I'm drawing an entire globe and am hoping to make regional maps from the global map. Am I better off making a very general global map and then getting into rough coastlines in regional maps (i.e., redrawing the regional maps based on the general idea of the global map) or should I add all the intricacies into my global map?

I'm working in Photoshop but may actually redo everything in Illustrator for the vector properties, though I'm much more fluent in PS.

The goal is to do an atlas-style world. My question really hinges on this: Would I be better served to redraw all regional maps or could I get away with adding all my detail to the global maps? Currently, my global map is about 36000px wide. I kinda feel like I should make one master global map and then simply crop into it to form the regional maps but I find that when I zoom out on the global map it looks kinda weird if I've added in the regional details. I expect this is because I don't really know how to approach this style of map making.

I hope all that makes sense. If you've made it all the way through this post, I thank you. And if you have any suggestions that might disabuse me of my ignorance, I will thank you even more!