I have lots of admiration for you all fantasy cartographers, i love your dedication and beautiful maps...

But there is one cartographer you might know of who is MUCH MORE DEDICATED than you lazy computer and pencils freaks:
Søren Poulsen.

You don't know him? well probably because he created his "map" in 1943, and i want to show you pictures :

It took him 25 years to replicate, on scale, our world map as a walkable island on a lake.

another image, with humans on it for reference:

it's kind of extraordinary, to be honest...

The World Map at Lake Klejtrup is a miniature world map built of stones and grass in Klejtrup Sø near the village of Klejtrup, Viborg Municipality, Denmark.
It is called the verdenskortet (which translates as world map, very creative) and you can learn a bit more (and see more pictures) on wikipedia:
