So, this isn't so much a "How do I create landmass shape", but more literal in essence.

Lately, I have been working on a map for a novel and I love it. I think it's great, but I was asked to create a homebrew setting for a group who lost their DM. I was excited because I much prefer homebrew settings rather than the written adventures, but I will LOVE to run adventures (pre-written ones) in the homebrew world.

However. Lately, I've been throwing rice and dice to find a shape and lately, the same spark that led to the creation of my current (amazing!) world isn't hitting me. It's like I lost my spark and the landmasses don't make me happy or even feel right and I don't know why. I am worried that maybe I am taking on too much or I am not as good as I thought I was and I would like to know how you all figure out this problem.