Looks really nice. There`s a lot of details to explore already.

One thing thats weird though are the odd german place names. A few examples "Leberlecken" (licking liver), "Schwarze Wurst" (black sausage), "Wieheist" (one s added more, it would be "wie heisst", "hows the name of"), "Krankburg" (sick castle), "Geruch" (smell), "Feucht" (wet)... and so on. There are really a lot of involuntarily funny sounding places. Of course such odd place names exist in the real world, but here it`s really a lot.

I also don`t know if i would use that runic "font" for the, i suppose, dwarf places or the gothic font for the necropoli. The symbols alone signal them being there... typographically, this feels odd too, to me. Perhaps decide for one font and stick with it for the whole map? Could be a broken font or something, but they contrast a lot with the modern feel of the rest.