Thanks so much for the kinds words and taking the time to write them. Its most appreciated.

My thoughts behind the Wailing Dreads is that it is a land not conducive to the living. Due to a long dead god at the bottom of the maw all things dead will rise again in time and nature holds no power there. The monoliths in the lakes and the blessings they provide flow through the rivers holding back the curse from spreading any further. The rivers are constantly patrolled and the dead cannot go near them. However, something to the north of Corinbor has caused a river to stop flowing. Should the players head up that way they will discover that the Dreads have begun to spread further north into the woods. How much will depend on when they head up that way but they will learn first hand one way or another that this is but the first step in a grand plan.

As for Sorrows End it was originally intended to be a positive name as refugees fleeing from another land built up a new city, one of hope and new beginnings. The city is also known as the City of Dreams hence Dreamers Bay. Dreams play a special part in the city and feel more vivid and prophetic. Some claim its the drugs and potent alcohols, others that they are whispers from gods long gone, while some scoff that it is simply over tired individuals desperate to cling to any form of hope they can find. Whatever the case may be Sorrows End is full of oddities and a city once built on hope has fallen on hard times. "Sorrows End, hah, more like Sorrows Beginning if you ask me!"