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Thread: Just a random writer and worldbuilder, don't mind me.

  1. #1

    Post Just a random writer and worldbuilder, don't mind me.

    Hi, I'm Pasta!

    I write stuff. Web serials, mostly, which I post on a site called Royal Road. I write a fair bit (about a thousand words a day), read a lot, write code for my day job, maintain a pleasant smile while trying to stop my toddler from peeing on her hands and then rubbing her pee-hands on my legs, and argue about public policy and civics at the drop of a hat. I've got a completed ~280k word story called Frameshift and an in-progress serial called Quill & Still; I am apparently A Real Author because people give me money and I spend it on art commissions.

    My favorite blog is Bret Devereaux's "A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry", which everyone doing any writing or worldbuilding in a premodern world should definitely read, because everything you imagine about premodern life is wrong. My favorite series of stories is the Graydon Saunders "Commonweal" series. My favorite thing in a map is when a mountain casts a realistic rain shadow. My favorite genre of music is "it has vocal harmony", and I think that anyone writing something in JavaScript instead of TS is 2022 is engaging in professional malpractice, but what do I know, I'm just a devops engineer.

    California's proposition system is risible and ridiculous, but the Bay Area is still my least unfavorite place in the world.

  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Welcome pasta, hope you enjoy this place as much as some of the books and blogs. You didn't mention whether you like flying spaghetti monsters, but I assume that you would. And I am also not sure how you might think of me still doing perl on CGI in 2022 then...

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
    Welcome pasta, hope you enjoy this place as much as some of the books and blogs. You didn't mention whether you like flying spaghetti monsters, but I assume that you would. And I am also not sure how you might think of me still doing perl on CGI in 2022 then...
    My opinions on Perl are adequately summed up by .

    I'm a fan of His Noodliness as a piece of social commentary. It remains as trenchant now as it was then, even if most folks have forgotten what the point was in the first place.

  4. #4
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Hah yeah i hear ya, but I am more Seems like Randall couldn't make his mind up !
    And I had forgotten what it was all about too.

  5. #5


    I admit, if I had a really good grasp of regex, writing PromQL queries would be substantially easier. *sobbing emoji*

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