Thanks Falconius and Edward,

It says its bronze with verdigris but new bronze is pale yellow gold, but old bronze is almost black and verdigris is that dark blue green colour but we have loads of that already in the map. I think judging by the other text for the room its not like they wanted it sparkling new but I think it would look like some amorphous blob of dark something if I did it accurately. I just cant decide if I like it or not but it certainly is bold. Like some giant goldfish. Most unusual for a dungeon. Is everybody's elemental shrines as wild as this one ?

The fish does look like its blowing steam but its supposed to be a water flow. I don't think I have a good visual image in my head of what a water stream actually looks like. Its complex with reflective bits in it but without seeing a real one I don't think I could draw it even if I had the ability. If I go somewhere in the next few weeks and come across a flowing stream or brook that has something I could use ill take a photo !

Thanks for the encouragement. I am glad you like it.