For me, it was first job-related, then pandemic-related. I had some major work-related crap go down in early 2019 which kind of ruined the year for me, then just as I was getting enthusiastic about joining RPG groups, mapping, etc, covid hit and kind of shut me down.

I'm in a much better place now - physically, job, medically, and psychologically, if not financially - and I'm slowly getting my mojo back. Not gonna lie, it's an uphill battle and some days (weeks) I just don't have it in me. Part of it I think is that I turned 50 this year and the end is now definitely closer than the beginning, and so many things I'd envisioned myself accomplishing when I was 20 or 30 I now know will never happen. Mostly I'm okay with that, but some days... well... I'm not. In 2023 though, I do want to start more WIP threads. I think having something in progress on the boards attracts more attention over a longer period of time than posting finished maps only does. Not that there's anything at all wrong with that either!

Anyway, ramble/rant over. Here's to a better 2023!