Quote Originally Posted by HINDSIGHT View Post
Yes! Great post. I remember something similar, carrying a name ir creature all the way from childhood imagination. If you haven't already looked into it, searching etymology and the origin of words can give a lot of background. I used that once, when I tried making a society that had no latin origin words, became very challanging particularly for words related to armour. Also a good point that restraints forces us to not overwork an idea. Some of the best songs were written in 30min. About your map, you could also think about societies/cities that did not adapt to the enviromen changing, or tribes that now thrive because of more sand. I would maybe remove the snow parts, or change it to a wintery desert, to really focus on just 2 ecosystems(?) I dont know what happens geologically to a planet/place that dries up like yours.
I wnted the ice caps as was thinking of mars that shoudl have also but its a cold desert so a Desert can be as hot as cold, just matter of no precipitation mostly , the precipitation instead happens in the Canyons where melted ice contributes to preserving the last sea.
I also wanted a peculiar variety of cities so some are kind of Venice like hindu aztec hybrids , another a tree city another a cave city another a city built on cliffs and so on.