Hello! I'm looking to commission a map for a novel, full colored (though done in a manner so it looks good in grayscale as well.). I plan to pay in $100 to $200 segments throughout January and February as work on it is done. I had a map for it done a few years ago, but haven't really been able to get in touch with the artist, and I got it done before the story was nearing its final stages... so there's some small things i'd want changed. And the prospect of just having a fully colored map greatly appeals to me.

I can share it as a reference. You can reach out to me via my discord or my email.

My discord is Alino#6571
My email is r.alex.klein.ii@gmail.com

I'd also like full ownership to do as I want with the map. Get in touch with me whenever, and I'll update this post when the commission's been taken up by someone!