So, for reasons which would only bore you, I find myself with some time on my hands for the next couple of months. So I've decided to follow a long term aim I've had, which is to get into fantasy cartography. I already use photoshop for my photography so that seems the logical tool for me to use. I appreciate I'll be learning a more artistic skillset, but I have the basics nailed down already so the learning curve won't be so steep as I'm not picking up new software from scratch.

My question is this: if I want to 'hand draw' maps, where should I begin?
Who does good tutorial vids?
What resources would you recommend?
Are there online learning resources other than youtube?

I'll expand to area, continent and world mapping at some point, but right now I'm mostly interested in doing town and city maps in an orthographic top-down style.

Many thanks in advance.