I’m not going to lie, I’m just flat out against it. Back in the day when artists were first courteously asked to try out the apps (before being ungraciously kicked out with their names and work taken) the idea was that you could build it up with your own art and have it help you build things for yourself, which seemed like the most ethical way to use it.

But that’s definitely not how it was planned to be used from the beginning so it’s sad so many people fell for it.

I’m not trying to be mean and I’m not trying to call anyone out on any of this, but there’s just so many bad sides to it that people are completely overlooking, like the amount of energy it wastes and the impact it takes in the world. Not even mentioning having to watch so many of my art colleagues that have died over the past few years, having all their art fed into it instantly so other people could “keep it going” for them…

I know that in maps/cartography it seems like a much cleaner space and there’s less drama? But if the discussion is true, I guess it’s supposed to hit all the different aspects of what machine learning really does.

There’s so much that could be said about it, but I think it also always comes down to the fact that I always wanna be the one drawing things… if machine learning were to draw for me, I’d just flat out quit. It kills any and all joy for me, so I’ve never touched it.