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Thread: Wilbur - Max Image Size

  1. #1

    Question Wilbur - Max Image Size (SOLVED)

    Hello all,

    I'm attempting to import a rather large image into Wilbur (28000x14000px) and I'm having some issue doing so. I realize those dimensions are likely pushing the limits of the program, if they haven't already exceeded them. That being said, I was unable to find a max acceptable resolution in the documentation. While Wilbur itself doesn't crash, it does freeze up for about half a minute before becoming responsive again, albeit without opening the image.

    My question is does this exceed the limits of the programs, and if so, is there any way to to ignore those or modify the program's parameters? Any additional advice that might be relevant is also appreciated. Thanks.
    Last edited by MorelockTheWarlock; 02-09-2024 at 03:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    The High Desert


    Wilbur doesn't impose any particular limits on image size except in one dialog (I can't remember which one, but it's not one having to do with image size). Its technique for signaling that it's out of memory is a crash.

    The program uses a minimum of about 9 bytes for each sample (more or less; I'm getting old and my CRS is flaring up more and more), meaning that the 28k by 14k image will take a minimum of about 4GB of memory to open. That should be well within a modern computer's grasp. Wilbur composes its own images for the graphics card from the main image, so it's unlikely to overflow the graphics card, either. Yes, it's pretty slow in a lot of ways by today's standards, but it's 25 years old now...

    If you create a blank image that's 28k by 14k, does Wilbur handle that? Creating a blank image will test if the program is running out of memory.

    When you say that it fails to open the image, is it giving you a blank surface the size of your data?

    Whether or not you can open a particular image could be for any number of reasons. If the program isn't crashing, then there was probably something in the image that Wilbur didn't like. What kind of image were you trying to open?

    30 seconds to attempt to load and process that large of an image isn't bad at all. It could be that Wilbur is misinterpreting byte order or that there is one really high sample in a corner that causes all of the rest of the image to be made invisible. Look at the image histogram (Window>Histogram) and see if the range is anything other than 0. If so, there's something in the data that Wilbur doesn't like and using height clip on the data might get rid of spurious data.

  3. #3


    After a restart I'm receiving different results, but not for the better.

    I tried opening a white .png of the same dimensions, this caused a crash after about 5 - 10 seconds. Same result with original map now. The original image was also .png, both were output by GIMP. In the first attempts, the "terrain window" never resized or depicted any sort of topography.

    The only difference between the first and second attempts (besides the restart) was that the first time I was attempting to open the file from an external hard drive and the second time it was stored locally. I'm not sure why that would make a difference. This is also the most recent version of Wilbur.

    The computer in question has 32 GB of RAM and a GPU that I would consider "appropriate" for that sort of memory. This would seem like an ample amount, given you what you indicated in your post.

    Here's a link to the image in question through Google Drive, but it's just a normal black and white heightmap.

    Edit: I can load a downscaled 14000x7000px image successfully but can't resize it to 28000x14000 without Wilbur crashing. Seems like it may be memory-related then?
    Last edited by MorelockTheWarlock; 02-09-2024 at 02:14 PM.

  4. #4
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    The High Desert


    That's a good bug report, thank you. There is another upper limit hiding down deep in one of the support classes that caps things at 25000x25000 and fails in a bad way if it's larger than that. I removed those limits and it'll now crash nicely when it hits system hardware limits (which should be 32768 in any dimension due to use of BMP features internally). I'll try to get that rebuilt and uploaded at some point, but I don't know for sure when that might happen.

  5. #5


    As always, thanks (and happy to help?)!

    Wishing you good health and good times.

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