Hello All,

I was recently referred to this page through a friend that was aware of its existence, and upon perusing several pages I am excited about the potential I have seen here.

I have been working on a novel for several years now and have been struggling with the maps I want/need to tie into the body of the story more effectively. Essentially, my novel is of a future Earth where the sea levels have risen substantially (approx 2000 to 3000 ft. I have not been very successful at finding an interactive map program that shows elevations of real world maps, that I can modify, that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. What I am hoping to do is to raise sea levels to the 2-3k elevation, then modify the remaining land masses to reflect new erosion effects from wind and sea.

Does anyone know of a program that can take existing real world maps and modify them? Or perhaps someone here has access to a program that current maps can be input and modified?

Full disclosure. I am currently unemployed, but I am more than willing to pay for services rendered once I have a steady income again.