My art college used all Cintiq’s back when I attended, so that’s what I went with once I was done in school. I still have my same old Cintiq 12wx and it’s been going extremely strong for 12 years now, haha. I DO want to update onto something bigger (I really do feel like I need the extra space) but I do know that living in Brazil limits me like crazy!

I know another Brazilian artist that got both a Huion and an x-pen, and both died on him and he was left with nothing but dead equipment because Brazil has the stores for both those brands but not actual assistance for if anything happens.

So Wacom continues to be the only one that SORT of would help if needed.

But on the other hand, I know a LOT of professional artists that are switching back to intuits because of neck/back problems. Plus it is just so much cheaper??? So even I’m tempted, even though I adore drawing directly on a screen ;o;