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Thread: Hello to All

  1. #1
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Where the alligators roam

    Default Hello to All

    I'm a long time lurker and over the past year and a half I've tried tutorial after tutorial with mediocre results. About three years ago I made a map for a co-authored epic fantasy, the final product did the job but it was rather discouraging (lol). I got over that in late 2014 and started working on maps again, but this time for my own fantasy worlds. Now I've started a story that I just can't put down, and I feel like the story is begging me for a map. More like a few maps, but I want to focus on a world map first.

    I finally signed up for Cartographer's Guild because of the supportive community, as well as all the tips, tricks, and tutorials throughout the site. Not to mention that I want to start investing more in my fantasy maps and with my new wacom intuos draw I feel I can step past my mouse induced mediocre abilities.

    You guys rock! It's nice to greet all you awesome people.

  2. #2
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Sunny Scotland


    Hi witchborn, welcome to the Guild. Glad to hear you've finally decided to sign up, and we'll look forward to seeing your maps.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  3. #3
    Banned User
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Traverse City, Michigan, USA


    Hello witchborn, Welcome to the Guild!

    I'm not sure what tutorials you have tried, or what software you are using, but lots of people have been quite successful starting with a great tutorial in the sticky section of Tutorials, called
    Quickstart Guide to Fantasy Mapping:

    From there, go to
    Hand Drawn Mapping for the Artistically Challenged:

    Once you have completed those two tutorials, post your efforts in the WIP threads and get some suggestions and advice.

    I recommend Photoshop CC, but if you want a free program, GIMP is almost as good.

  4. #4


    Welcome to the guild New here as well and this place has been wonderful for learning!!

  5. #5
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Where the alligators roam


    Thank you all for replying so quickly! saria, this place really is wonderful when it comes to learning!!
    & Chickpea, thank you! I'm excited to get started and receive some feedback.
    & Chick, I've been using gimp for awhile now, (photoshop is sadly still a dream until finances get better) and thank you for the links!! I just downloaded the tut and hoping I'll have time to give it a try tonight. I have a quick question though - I have a "base map" of my own, would it be able to use Gidde's tut with the map I have now?

  6. #6
    Banned User
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Traverse City, Michigan, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by _witchborn View Post
    ....I just downloaded the tut and hoping I'll have time to give it a try tonight. I have a quick question though - I have a "base map" of my own, would it be able to use Gidde's tut with the map I have now?
    My suggestion is to do the tutorial from scratch with a new image, so you can follow the details. Once you have done that, then go back with your base map and do it again, seeing if you can apply what you learned to make yours better

  7. #7
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Where the alligators roam


    Thank you - that makes more sense Chick, thank you for your expertise! I just posted my WIP in the regional thread and I'm excited to see how I can spruce it up after finishing Gidde's tutorial.

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