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Thread: Hello Everyone

  1. #1

    Default Hello Everyone

    Hey everyone,

    New here, found this place while looking for a "starting area" for a 5E adventure I am running for some friends in Roll20. I have been playing games like this since the early 80's (though back then it was pen and paper and imagination.)

    I have never been real artistically inclined. I can do simple graph paper style dungeons all day long, but when you get out to the wilderness and actually making those dungeons look more like what you want the characters to see is where I fall short. Hopefully I can learn how to do this better by browsing the forums and picking the brains of those of you experts that have the time to help

    I have, and have used GIMP for many years, mostly use it for re-scaling pictures and changing file formats, etc for making icons/player tokens for both TableTop Simulator and Roll20. I also use a program called Illwinter's Floorplan Generator that I found on Steam which has helped me convert some of my old ('80's) paper maps so that I can use those assets created long ago and that have been sitting in folders on my bookshelf for decades in the new digital age.

    Recently a group of friends from my WoW Classic guild have asked about "real" D&D and wanted to start up a game night where we got together and played "real" D&D instead of the WoW version. Since I was the only one of us that had real experience (and also the only one that owns all the rulebooks from most version from the box basic versions, to 1st edition advanced, 2nd edition advanced, I have 3.5 as well but don't like to admit it , and now 5e.) so I was voted as the Dungeon Master.

    It has been great and we have had a great time playing purchased content available on the Roll20 marketplace, but now they have grown past that stuff and I need to actually create stuff that is custom to them rather than a story on rails that gets them acclimated to the rules and the game. So of course I need to find or create the maps and dungeons that they will interact with in the game.

    Here are some examples of what I have done: This is the original paper dungeon created long ago: Original Paper Map.jpg
    Here is the same dungeon recreated as close as I could get with Illwinter's Floorplan Generator: OldPaperConverted1.png
    And finally what the players see when they enter it on Roll20 with Dynamic Lighting enabled: in roll20 with Dynamic Lighting.png

    Looking forward to learning from you all, and thanks for having me,


  2. #2

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